X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Top 7 Open Source Mac Applications Through Fink
My first article at Apple Matters was about the power of Fink, the open source software that makes it easy to download and install open …(read more)
Messenger for Mac 6 Reviewed
The first thing Microsoft’s people should really be asking themselves before they release software is “have we done enough to make this stand out?” For …(read more)
Review: Koyono BlackCoat “Sports”
I own technology and, as I assume the vast majority of my readers here do, I own clothing as well. It shouldn’t be too far …(read more)
Q Gives You Mac Virtualization for Free - And It Works
Last week I took delivery of a shiny new iMac. I’ll talk about it next week, but today I want to talk about running Windows …(read more)
Review: iFrogz bagz
iFrogz has just released a protective pouch for your iPod, called the bagz. It’s not waterproof, but it’s water-resistant, and dust- and dirt-resistant too, and …(read more)
Review: Speck Product’s FlipSkin
Speck Product’s new FlipSkin is a rubberized Video iPod case with a built-in adjustable viewing stand. This stand can support about four different viewing angles, …(read more)
Review: CS ideas, Inc. WAVES Combo
There really are only a very small number of options available for people wanting to listen to their iPods aquatically and the CS ideas, Inc. …(read more)
Manage Widgets With Virtual Dashboard
Widgets are a funny thing. For a long time, you think you don’t need them, but then you find one you like. And next thing, …(read more)
Apple’s Movie Buying Experience Reviewed
In what came as a surprise to no one, Apple started selling movies via iTunes. As a contracted Apple Matters writer, I am legally obliged …(read more)
Onyx for Optimization and Maintenance
The thing we like most about our Macs is that they require very little maintenance. Despite that, the compulsion to fiddle and tweak sometimes becomes …(read more)
Review: iFrogz Custom iPod Cases
I am more often than not disappointed by the promises made by various companies to ‘do things my way’. One restaurant for example has repeatedly …(read more)
Review: Speck Products’ ActiveSport Clip-on and ActiveSport Armband Cases
Speck Products has come out with a line of ActiveSports cases for iPod Nanos and Video as well as the Motorola SLVR cellphones too. All …(read more)