X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Review: Koyono iPod T-shirts
My grade five teacher once told me, loudly and in front of the whole class, that pants pockets are meant to put money and food …(read more)
Firefox 2.0 - Worth Upgrading Yet?
A few weeks back Microsoft released the full version of Internet Explorer 7.0 for Windows users, but the real news lies in the release of …(read more)
Image Capture Adds iPhoto’s Missing Features
Image Capture is probably the most overlooked application on the Mac. But what it does are things you’ve probably wished iPhoto could do. Image Capture, …(read more)
Top 5 Useful Websites
With such a vast majority of people turning to the internet for information and entertainment, it’s no wonder so many companies are offering online software …(read more)
Review: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000
Recently, when reviewing the iMac, some readers suggested there are better keyboards than Apple provides. Some recommended Microsoft’s Natural keyboards. Having used one at work …(read more)
iGlasses Helps iSight See
Anyone who buys an iMac or a MacBook gets a built-in iSight. Personally I think Apple is a tad ahead of the game with this …(read more)
iPod Nano (PRODUCT) Red - Review
Friday October 13th 2006 – Apple Computer announced a special edition iPod Nano, the iPod Nano (PRODUCT) Red. Their slogan? Put a different kind of …(read more)
Review: Marware C.E.O. Card Wallet for Nano
I used to carry business cards all the time but, for a variety of reasons, got out of the habit some time ago. Regardless, I …(read more)
Review: Marware’s C.E.O. Billfold Wallet
As I’ve expressed before, I really would like a convenient way to carry my iPod with me in a wallet-type case and Marware’s C.E.O.™ Billfold …(read more)
5 Top FireFox Plug-ins
Let’s be completely honest, Safari RSS is an okay browser, but compared to the likes of Camino, Opera and Firefox it is, well, it belongs …(read more)
Game review: Virtual Villagers
More often than not, one of the true indicators of a good game is whether you start again once you’ve completed it. Civilization, one of …(read more)
How Accurate is Think Secret?
Everybody loves a good rumor, at least, thats what the editors over at Think Secret hope. As the web’s premiere Apple-related rumor monger they have …(read more)