Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Understanding and Avoiding RDF
Name the four greatest inventions in the history of history. If you said the wheel, fire, roadside service, and the fire extinguisher, you probably really …(read more)
Multi-Touch Coming to a Mac Near You?
A recent article on Ars Technia has a snippet of information that got me wondering, will Leopard feature multi-touch technology capability or, more to the …(read more)
If Apple Ran Our Government
I pledge allegiance to the fruit of the pastel shades of Appletopia and to the coolness for which it stands, one nation under Jobs, inscrutable …(read more)
To Steve Jobs On Education: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!
When Steve Jobs gave his opinion on teacher unions he might as well have opened Pandora’s Box armed with nothing more than a keyboard. Why …(read more)
How much is the iPhone Really Going to cost you? Try $3,000.
There is a lot of talk about the price of the iPhone; comparisons are made to the Newton, to Macs, and to any seemingly overpriced …(read more)
Forget the Leopard Bells and Whistles, Just Give Me an Uninstaller
Latterly, I’ve been looking at alternatives to iPhoto, and there are a large number. But since none have satisfied, I won’t name names—except for Apple’s …(read more)
Thoughts on the Next Gen iPod
After seeing this year’s most recent keynote, and reading up on all the iPhone speculation, I have determined that I want one. Now, I’m not …(read more)
Commentary: Disney vs. Microsoft? (Part One)
Hey, folks! I’m heading off to Disney World. Yup, I’m taking my family on a vacation that part of me is looking forward to and …(read more)
Why Apple Doesn’t Need the iTunes Store
Does Apple really need the iTunes Store? That is a question many fans of the company have probably asked themselves at some point in time. …(read more)
Will Apple Finally Become the Innovator the Masses Want?
In the epic tale Beowolf, Grendel (the heavy) is beaten somewhat anticlimactically when Beowulf tears Grendel’s arm from his torso and the bully slinks home …(read more)
Australian Telco’s Lame Attempt to Bag iPhone
Lately, news from Apple has been as slow as treacle running up a snowy hillside. Even Steve has tried to stir things up, first with …(read more)
What To Do When Spotlight Isn’t Enough
Personally, I love Spotlight. I think it is a great addition to the Finder in OS X. However, there may be times when you need …(read more)