Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
What Will You Do With Your Old Computer?
A recent article on Gizmondo UK regarding Apple being a not-so-Green company, as awarded by Greenpeace, got me thinking about what we, the users of …(read more)
The Macintosh Way: At Work
One of the exciting things about my new employment is that I get to use a Macintosh computer. I haven’t had this luxury in over …(read more)
The Series is Over! Frayed Wires: 4, James: 0.
I hate cheap plastic cables. It seems that most electronics manufacturers, when cutting corners in an attempt to get their unit pricing down low enough …(read more)
The Hunt For The Right iPod Case
I’ve owned many iPod cases in the past, with each having its good sides and eventually its bad sides. Once it reaches the bad side …(read more)
Is Apple Planning iPhoto for Windows?
Six years ago Apple released iTunes, a digital media player. At the time it was Mac only. You would load songs from your CDs and …(read more)
Four Apple Pundits You Should Never Read
If you are a long-time Apple user then you have probably heard of the four pundits below. They have written reams of bad advice, poor …(read more)
Welcome Back to Apple-land
This week, I write this article from my new abode in San Francisco, California. It’s fun to be back in the Bay. I start working …(read more)
Why Apple Will Never Make A Game Console
The prospect of Apple making a game console has been discussed before, but if Apple were to do such a thing it would entirely kill …(read more)
Free Your Creative Spirit: Get a Mac
What if? What if you never bought a Mac? How different would your life be today? What if. What if I had never bought a …(read more)
And They Said the Mac Was Intuitive
Well, it definitely isn’t in one regard. I was able to delete my usr (Unix) folder. Yes, my usr folder. How did this happen? Well, …(read more)
When Will iTunes Sell Porn?
Interested in watching the epic SciFi series Babylon 5? Don’t worry, iTunes has it. Want to watch Dennis Quaid in The Rookie? iTunes has you …(read more)
My Apple Switch Story
Every Mac user either grew up with the Mac or switched. I was a bit of the former but mostly the latter. Switching to the …(read more)