X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Review: Camino Browser 1.5
It has been 16 months since I reviewed Camino 1.0, the open source Mac-only browser from Mozilla, based on the same engine as Firefox. This …(read more)
Investigation: A Tale of Three Cases (OtterBox iPod Cases User Tested)
I’ve reviewed OtterBox iPod cases before, but this article is going to be a little bit different. Personally, I’ve used cases, a lot of cases, …(read more)
Where Are the Third Party Ergonomic Peripherals?
In my quest to improve my overall Mac switching experience, I am trying to create the right office environment. One of the biggest annoyances is …(read more)
Review: Built NY Laptop Portfolio Case
I have been lugging my MacBook Pro to and from work for about six months in one backpack or another and really haven’t taken any …(read more)
How To: Five Ways To Safeguard Your Mac
Using Password Tips More Effectively When an account is created with a password, you’ll be prompted for a question to help you remember your password …(read more)
Review: XtremeMac MicroMemo (and XtremeHD AV Cables)
I’ve always wanted to use my iPod as a quality recording device. It always seemed that this iPod thing could be the core of a …(read more)
Resize Images with Easy Batch Photo
You’ve all been in this situation before. You get back from your holiday or family wedding with a large selection of photos, but know that …(read more)
Review: Vakaadoo Domino iVak case for Video iPod 5G
Some time ago, my iPod bit dirt off-warranty and I had to do a spot of phone and mail tag with my credit card company …(read more)
Review: Agent18 VideoShield Kit For The 60/80 GB iPod
Focusing on protection and interchangeability, Agent18 offers a solid case that is easy to use and adapts to your needs. This case is a real …(read more)
Mac Personal Finance Software = Disappointment
Okay, so it is going on a year since I made the switch to the Mac. We now have multiple Macs in the house (two …(read more)
A Mac User’s Opinion of Fedora Core 6
Years ago in college I started using Fedora Core 2 and was, to say the least, very unimpressed. Upgrading to Core 3 was better, but …(read more)
Review: Koyono BlackCoat AirGo Ultra Light Rain Coat
Every once in a while I find a product that I inadvertently wind up using almost every day. I might not mean to at first, …(read more)