X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Marware Sportsuit Convertible for iPhone
Marware has taken their traditional design for the iPod—the Sportsuit Convertible—and applied it to the iPhone in an ingenious manner, but it does have some …(read more)
Review: Marware Sidewinder For iPhone
Traditionally, holsters haven’t been made for iPods and were exclusive to phones for the longest time. The same could have been said for the iPhone, …(read more)
Building Your PowerMac Media Center Part 3: The Powerhouse that Is the GeForce
Detailed in my previous postings, the video card is one of the core elements in creating a Media Center. Having one that isn’t up to …(read more)
This is an acronym that most Mac users are very well aware of. Ever since the launch of Mac OS X in 2001, Mac users …(read more)
This Old PowerMac
Macs are known to last a long time when taken care of, but I had the pleasure of receiving a new Mac, well, new in …(read more)
Five Killer Apps for the Mac
Even though a lot of argument suggests the killer app has seen its day, some apps are still revolutionary enough to swing some folks’ buying …(read more)
Building a PowerMac Media Center Part 2: Readying for a Video Card
One of the most fundamental blocks in a Media Center is the video card, and a poor choice can cause loss in quality and performance, …(read more)
Building a PowerMac Media Center Part 1: Selecting Your PowerMac
My previous articles have focused on upgrading an older PowerMac to Leopard and outfitting it with a NewerTech G4 upgrade, but now it’s time to …(read more)
10 Ways to Get More Out of Leopard
Apple’s latest and greatest OS, Leopard, is barely a month old, and while the 300 new features may be too much to handle, these 10 …(read more)
Benchmarked: NewerTech G4 1.8 GHz Upgrade
Last week I went over upgrading a PowerMac with one of NewerTech’s fabulous G4 upgrades (single processor, 1.8 GHz), and the process was easy enough …(read more)
Using Leopard on Older Macs
Apple has raised the bar for using Leopard on a PowerPC based Mac: 867 MHz or faster. This makes older Macs obsolete to make way …(read more)
NewerTech G4 Upgrades Making Your PowerMac More Badass than It Already Is
NewerTech has sold processor upgrades for PowerMacs which allowed users to take advantage of faster G4 chips to keep ahead of the technological curve for …(read more)