Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
How Many Operating Systems Can You Name?
Get out a piece of paper and a pencil because today we are having a quiz. Are you ready? Good. Ok, there is only one …(read more)
Yonah, It’s More Than Just A Silly Name
If you navigate over to you can read their review of a prerelease version of Intel’s new “Yonah” chipset. It makes for an interesting …(read more)
iPod: The Fad That Refused to Die?
When thinking of fads most people think of an item that enjoyed a brief moment of fantastic success then faded just as quickly into obscurity. …(read more)
FUD For Thought
Another week, and more FUD being spread about the Mac. This is a good thing of course, as it’s a sign the Mac is gaining …(read more)
Apple Afraid to Compete on the Hardware Side?
The people of France love the French language. It isn’t hard to see why. French, spoken properly, does possess a certain melodious sound pleasing to …(read more)
Will the Xbox 360 Gamble Pay Off?
The post Thanksgiving shopping rush has begun to die down. Soon however, it will be December and as Christmas fast approaches consumers will go crazy …(read more)
Where will Apple be in 10 years?
Everything changed for Apple the day that they released the iPod. Because at that moment Apple shifted away from the pure computer hardware and software …(read more)
The Customer is Always Bright
Customer service - do sales folk know much about it? We’d all argue that it’s long been a problem but now it is getting harder …(read more)
Does OS X Have Enough of the “Good Stuff” to Sway Basic Users?
There are a million schemes for increasing adoption of OS X. Everything from bundling a demo of the operating system on any iPod large enough …(read more)
The Intel iMacs Won’t Have A Disk Drive
The year is 1998 and Apple is in trouble. Steve Jobs has come back and started to work his magic but never the less pundits …(read more)
Apple Advertising Philosophy Undergoing a Sea Change?
Apple was holding a soiree for the employees, the attractions included free beer and vegetarian fare (do nachos count as vegetarian food?) but the beer …(read more)
Does timeshifting work?
Or how many of your podcasts do you get to listen to? I read with interest recently that Apple has had 7,000,000 podcast subscriptions and …(read more)