Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The iTunes Music Store Is Outdated
Apple’s iTunes Music Store recently passed the 1 billionth download mark. It was a fairly grand occasion as Apple got to add another impressive benchmark …(read more)
It’s a Small World After All
Now that the Disney/Pixar marriage has been announced, and our own Steve Jobs is about to become the single largest holder of Disney stock (take …(read more)
What if Microsoft Never Existed, Part 3: Amiga, HP, Dell and IBM
Microsoft’s absence would also have effected the major manufacturers of personal computers. Here is a look at how four major distributors might have fared. Amiga …(read more)
The Trojan iLife
How many times have you heard the call for iLife to be ported to Windows? In an article Apple analyst James R Stoup wrote on …(read more)
Is Apple About to Legitimize PVRs?
Apple has issued another invite to the press for a special event. The invites asks select members of the media to show up and see …(read more)
Year Of The Mac?
The other day, an interesting article entitled Ten Reasons To Buy Windows Vista made the rounds of the tech sites and linking blogs. Free tip …(read more)
What Makes a Mac, a Mac???
It used to be that you could rattle off any number of differences between a Mac and Windows PC, but now the differences are dwindling. …(read more)
What if Microsoft Never Existed, Part 2: A Destiny Destroyed
In 1981 many important events occurred. Moments after Reagan was elected President of the United States, Iran released its 52 American hostages, they had been …(read more)
Who’s responsible for Windows?: IT Managers Unite
So often we hear of security breaches on Windows networks. The Seattle Times reported on a hospital whose computers were hijacked for an adware downloading …(read more)
Video in the iTunes Music Store
Everyone was talking about video on mobile devices and streaming video over the web 7 years ago, but no one really provided a compelling solution …(read more)
A Brand New Apple: Reflections on Apple’s New Look
Image is everything. And right now, no one looks sleeker than Apple. Talk about taking a look and running with it: Glowing white. Lacquer black. …(read more)
Lessons From The Past: Five Mistakes Apple Isn’t Repeating With The iPod
The iPod is enormously successful, successful enough to spurn lawsuits both frivolous and legally interesting. Even with the unquestioned success of the diminutive digital audio …(read more)