Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Predicting MacWorld by Looking Backwards
Apple keynotes. No not the software, the events. Everyone has their own idea of what to expect and, like every year, the predictions for Mac …(read more)
Ode to the 12” Powerbook: 14 Wishes for A New Hyper-Portable Macbook
I’ve had a few Mac portables over the years although granted I arrived to the scene a tad late with a Pismo. It was a …(read more)
Apple Year in Review Part II
Starting the second half of the year with a whimper was the release of a revamped U2 iPod. An iPod inscribed with the signatures of …(read more)
Apple and Nintendo Should Play Together
Hope the festive season has rewarded your hard labors this past year with lots of cool toys. In the Howard house, Santa left a Nintendo …(read more)
Apple Year in Review Part I
For Apple fans 2006 kicked off in the expected way, with the press frenzy that is MacWorld. The general feeling going into MacWorld was that …(read more)
SJ, Can You Please Bring Back the Apple PDA?
Dear Santa Jobs, I know it’s too late for this Christmas, but for next Christmas can you please get you elves working on producing an …(read more)
Mac Ads Are Under Threat
I don’t know many people that actually enjoy watching adverts – the endless L’Oreal ‘Because you’re completely not worth it’ and the rather annoying and …(read more)
The iPhone Commeth
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now official. I no longer care whether or not Apple releases an iPhone. Today, tomorrow, five years from now, it …(read more)
The Nine Day Keynote or MacWorld Disappointment
For the true connoisseurs of all things Apple, for those that place no small amount of personal satisfaction on the successes and failures of the …(read more)
Illuminous: Does OS X Need a New Aqua?
Not long now ‘til everyone’s favorite time of the year: MacWorld! (Although, I must say, hoping a Wii makes an appearance at that other favorite …(read more)
The HP Crossfire. iMac Killer Anyone?
Music Player manufacturers throughout the world strive every day to create something more appealing and better functioning than the iPod, but this is clearly a …(read more)
Is Microsoft counting on Steve Jobs’ Obstinance?
Amid much hype and more than a little speculation, the results of the Zune release are in. The general take seems to be that the …(read more)