Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
If You Were Wondering, The iPod Is Officially “There”
Two friends of mine recently went into Best Buy in hopes of buying an iPod. They asked a salesperson (don’t want to say salesman because …(read more)
Is Apple Teasing Us with Firmware Updates?
I’m sure you heard the recent calamity as soon as screenshots of a new iPhone Firmware surfaced (1.1.3 for those who are counting), which seem …(read more)
Will the Next Decade See the End of the Dominance of the Windows PC?
Apple has proven one thing: even in the computer industry, despite what is believed, there is room for proprietary systems. Why is it that when …(read more)
Why is Apple Getting a Bad Rap?
Back when the Steves started Apple and made it what it is today, this strange stigma surrounded them. The bad boys of Silicon Valley were …(read more)
I’ve Given Up Arguing with Windows Users
I realized last night that I no longer feel the need to argue with people over the Mac’s superiority. This was a rather startling realization …(read more)
Why Apple Would Be Crazy to Introduce a Sub-Notebook
Rumors have popped up about Apple introducing a sub-notebook to compliment the MacBook Pro line some time at Macworld. However, Apple would be foolish to …(read more)
When Will Apple Decide Ripping DVDs Is Cool Too?
I distinctly remember the weekend I discovered how much iTunes could do for me. I recall being thrilled at the prospect of ripping all of …(read more)
Is It Time for Apple to “Do an iPhone” on the Apple TV?
After Apple’s revolutionary redefinition of the mobile phone, is it time to do the same to the Apple TV—plus a few other devices? Folks often …(read more)
The iPod Hi-Fi - It’s a Swing, and A Miss!
So apparently Apple discontinued the iPod Hi-Fi this past September. ... Yeah, I didn’t really care either. I actually meant to write about this sooner, …(read more)
The Wireless Showdown of 2008
Until last year, the wireless space in the United States was fairly dull. The wireless carriers such as Verizon and AT&T owned your house, guarded …(read more)
Spaces Knows When You Are Slacking Off
Spaces is a godsend for Leopard users who prefer mini sized screens that allow you to reclaim lost pixels while being able to utilize more …(read more)
Why Do I Use Apple’s Apps?
What is it that makes Apple apps special enough that I use them even when I’ve tried and failed with similar third party apps? Spaces …(read more)