Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Getting on Board with Twitter: Part 2
In part one of this article, I wrote about my strategy for using Twitter. I wouldn't say that I'm a Twitter pro, but I have …(read more)
Top 10 Reasons Why I’m a Mac
Last week, no, the last few weeks, I've been giving Macs and Apple a bit of a serve. You'd be forgiven for thinking I'm about …(read more)
What I’d Like to See in the New iPhone
A Physical KeyboardAbove and beyond anything Apple needs to address the one big flaw in the iPhone for a certain, largish subset of users--the lack …(read more)
Apple, Please Give Us More Bang for Our Buck
Ah, the eternal argument. Do you get better value for your dollar from a PC or a Mac. We've seen Microsoft use the budget and …(read more)
Apple, Please Clean Up the Clutter
Ok, so we love OS X for it's clean look, ease of use, etc etc. But it's not problem free. Some of it's design leaves …(read more)
What To Expect from WWDC
It is getting close to that time of year. The time in-between MacWorld and the next MacWorld where Apple gets it's development community together for …(read more)
Why is Apple Letting the PC Guy Be My Hero?
I just watched another of those "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads. PC guy is so cool, even though he's not meant to be. …(read more)
What Apple TV Could Learn From The iPhone
The iPhone and the Apple TV share many things in common except for one big thing. The iPhone is a roaring success, reaching mainstream usage …(read more)
Why Is Microsoft Trying so Hard to Portray its Customers as Impetuous Fools?
Microsoft's latest ad campaign, the "Laptop Hunters" continues to show PC buyers as ignorant, impulsive and, just as surprising, continue to promote Macs as a …(read more)
What Would a Budget Mac Look Like?
AppleInsider is reporting that Apple could be about to release a budget Mac. Rumor is it could be a budget Mac mini, iMac, or MacBook. …(read more)
Top 10 One Minute or Less iPhone Apps
In a recent short post on, writer Chris Howard asks, "Where does the iPhone rate in your technology hierarchy?" His question got me to …(read more)
6 “Apple Will Never Release a NetBook” Myths Debunked
Debunking the NetBook Naysayers point-by-point.The current naysayers about an Apple Netbook have it all wrong. They cite Tim Cook's recent comments about the overall crappiness …(read more)